Lady Di Daughter of the Crime Boss ( Дочь Криминального Босса. ( 18 +) ). Отзывы, история создания. Сайт Книголюбов

Lady Di Daughter of the Crime Boss ( Дочь Криминального Босса. ( 18 +) )

Lady Di

Autor (переход на произведение)

Дата создания 2022 9/06 Последнее обновление 2022 9/06 16:10:12
Размер 7K +6K Жанр Современный любовный роман, Современная проза
Авторская аннотация
Synopsis for the book Daughter of the Crime Boss. (18+)

- How can we not love each other?
Alessia asked and looked at her lover Carlo looked at his lover too.
- Go away! - he shouted. - I don't want to see you! I'm sorry Alessia. We should split up. I understand how painful it is for you, but we have no future together.
After saying these words, he left the pavilion.
How could she think that she would love him? She needs time to digest the information. She sat down on a chair, and covered her face with her palm, and began to cry.

P.S. Dear readers and guests. There is work on the bugs, and not only that. Chapter 2 is being updated.

Daughter of a crime boss. (18+) 1 book. In the cafe. 2 chapter.

Thank you very much.

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