Notdivohka Rozabel Thank You. (=Poems of 2022.) The remix.. Отзывы, история создания. Сайт Книголюбов

Notdivohka Rozabel Thank You. (=Poems of 2022.) The remix.

Notdivohka Rozabel

Autor (переход на произведение)

Дата создания 2024 26/05 Последнее обновление 2024 26/05 18:48:20
Размер 2K +2K Жанр Поэзия
Авторская аннотация
These beautiful poems are dedicated to my beloved college classmate. Maria Koskina. Thanking, as well as accepting this gratitude from someone, is also an art. How to address even in the form of a simple reguest or a simple dalogue or even more So in the form of Gratitude. Through this method. Not everyone wants to And can doit it is necessary. To want it very much. To Do something So grandiose And good. And overcome your reat Which is in case of What. How the recipient will react. But that 's another story. Which is What the author did personally. She Just decided to thank. her close friend in this way. And to remain a good percon for her for all accasions.

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